
Offers, special packs and information

Sound systems rental

Sound systems rental

Choose the perfect bundle for your event

LG 43-inch screen

LG 43-inch screen

Play sound, images or video loops

ALTAIR WB-200 intercom

ALTAIR WB-200 intercom

Wireless communication system

Screens rental for fairs

Screens rental for fairs

An interesting appeal for conferences, exhibitions and meetings

Lighting equipment rental

Lighting equipment rental

Technical and decorative lighting for your event

Projection screens rental

Projection screens rental

Choose the one that best suits your event

Sharp 55-inch screen

Sharp 55-inch screen

Sharp LE541 AQUOS Full HD 1080p

Cromalite LED Torch rental

Cromalite LED Torch rental

5600º K LED torch for video and photography

Panasonic PT-EW730ZU Projector rental

Panasonic PT-EW730ZU Projector rental

High quality, easy setup and wireless connectivity

Aluma Blok rental

Aluma Blok rental

Save space with this railed anchoring system


©Audiovisual Line S.L.


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